This wonderful combination of sweet onions, Swiss cheese, and rice is a tasty side dish for anything from grilled meats to roasted poultry. It is a favorite...
Quick and easy way to jazz-up sweet potatoes. Great blend of sweet, salty, spicy, and a flash of heat. Great with pork roast, ribs, ham, or your favorite...
This is a no-nonsense recipe for corn on the cob. Perfect for when you run out of stove or grill space. I freeze the corn on the cob in plastic bags, and...
This recipe is quick and easy. Only have to simmer for 30 minutes! It started as a very saucy Coney Island hot dog sauce. I prefer a meatier chili sauce,...
This is the shrimp sauce found in Japanese steakhouses. It is sweet and pinkish-orangish in color. You can substitute fat-free mayo, butter, and 0-calorie...
Sweet and spicy, this is a whole bunch tastier than your normal bottled barbecue sauce. I make this from late summer harvested fruits and vegetables and...
This is a wonderful way to prepare root vegetables. This savory combination of potatoes, rutabagas, carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes keeps people going...
This is a great homemade sauce. It's savory and spicy, as well as thick and chunky. The secret is the combination of Italian sausage, green onions, red...
This traditional South America and Caribbean side dish adds a nice sweetness to any meal. Use plantains with heavy black spotting to a fully black skin....
This stuffing recipe has been in my family for decades. How can you go wrong with bacon? Whether it be baked in muffins tins or right inside the turkey,...
I find most cornbread to be very sweet. This one is grainy and savory, and the stuffing I make with it is my favorite. This is easily doubled for a larger...
These potatoes are hard to resist with their crispy roasted outsides and creamy delicious insides. I learned to shake the boiled potatoes before baking...
These peaches are very different and very yummy. We had a bumper crop of peaches one year and I remember my grandmother making these. We ate them for months...
This is a simple yet delicious recipe that takes little time to put together. It's a tasty way to incorporate a healthy, and often snubbed, vegetable into...
Onigiri are Japanese rice balls. They're fun to make and are a staple of Japanese lunchboxes (bento). You can put almost anything in an onigiri; try substituting...
This berry syrup is easy and super yummy on so many things, especially cheesecake and French toast. The syrup can also be used for pancakes, waffles, crepes,...
This is comfort food at its best with mild flavors and it's simple to make. This is a very versatile dish: if you prefer, you can use almonds in place...
Was looking for some new salad dressing that has spunk but unusual enough that you won't find in any store. This definitely meets the need and also goes...
Ree Drummond's oven-roasted asparagus recipe is one of the most ridiculously simple vegetable dishes in existence. Make it for the holidays, or a weeknight...
This is the SAUCE for Chinese restaurant style sesame chicken and broccoli. This sauce can be poured over fried chicken, or used as a dipping sauce for...
Drain some low-fat yogurt overnight to make this yummy cucumber dressing. This is a delicious topping for grilled chicken or meat. It's also a great dip...
This is a family favorite that is put into every cookbook for my kids when they move out and get married. It is a beautiful dish with many colors and full...
Sure, everyone knows orange-fleshed sweet potatoes aren't really yams, but it makes for a shorter name. I'm not a huge sweet side dish person, but I make...